Monday, April 24, 2023

    We just received the new 2023 Nebraska Passport books.  Our phone apps are updated, as well, so we're ready to go.  Very soon the fun will begin.  I'm happy to see that a couple places I've been to are on the list this year.  I've wanted to go back for quite a while to these and now we can get a stamp when we go.  Also, there's a few we've noted in passing over the years but we've never stopped at.  One we have visited is Neligh Mill State Historic Site, a long time ago.  I think it's been at least 25 years but I don't remember a visitor center.  This one is a little more interesting than just a passing curiosity because Schuyler used to have a very large flour mill.  It was the largest mill west of the Missouri river and was completely destroyed by fire in 1933.  The reason it has a connection for me is because I was born in and lived near Schuyler until 2018.
   The last two years were somewhat hurried since we were working and had to get as many stops and electronic stamps as possible over weekends. The next step will be to plan routes that coordinate with open times at the various locations.  I expect this year to be extra rewarding since we are both now retired and can travel any days of the week.  Hopefully, in the first week of May we can start the adventure.

Friday, April 14, 2023


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our new blog covering the Nebraska Passport.  Blogging is a new adventure for my wife and I, and we’re looking forward to describing our travels with you.  We have been Nebraska Passport participants the last two years and really loved going to places we otherwise may never have seen.  Case in point—Car Henge.  I used to be a bit of a car guy and I always had a negative image of Car Henge.  You know, taking cars and defiling them trying to recreate a feeling someone had after seeing the real Stone Henge.  Well, it was on the passport last year so we had to go there to complete all 70 stops.  I was overwhelmed by the artistic quality and impression it left me with.  Plus, other people had installed additional pieces on display that were unexpected and fun.  I bet we spent 30 minutes walking around.

So, I learned a lesson and from now on we approach every stop with anticipation.  In this blog we intend to provide photos, maybe some information and what we liked about each stop.  This is not a review and we won’t include negative or critical comments.  The Nebraska Passport has been a LOT of fun driving around the state.  I have talked to many people from here and other states about this.  One guy from Texas was really taken in by it and wished his state would do this.  If we take in a dozen or so stops in one weekend, instead of combining them into one giant post, we’ll only include one or two each time.  In this fashion we hope to have a consistent series going over the whole 5 months.

I expect this year’s stops will be fun, entertaining, and enlightening, just as the last two years have been.  We hope others will enjoy the Nebraska Passport as much as we have.

Safe Travels, Everyone,

Frank and Cindy Vrba

Great Plains Art Museum - Lincoln   This museum actually turned out to be a refresher course for us.  Last year we learned a lot about Nebr...