Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Robert Henri Museum & Art Gallery Stop # 13 pg # 42

Every year we come across someplace that surprises us, and this is one of those.  I am not, I repeat, NOT an artist.  Nor do I know what makes one painting better than another.  But after coming here I am about ready to take an online class to learn about it.

When we arrived and walked in, we both thought this will be a short stay.  

We like museums so that was fine, and it was about 30 minutes to closing so we expected to walk through and leave.  But the first thing we heard when we walked in was that the curator was there that day so we should go right over to the gallery and talk to him.  I'll admit I wasn't excited to hear that, but we went.  Oh my gosh! he made the paintings come to life.  He is an historian not an artist which made it so interesting to us.

Henri was known for the speed which he could complete a portrait.  Paintings, such as this one above, were typically completed in under an hour.

This one is huge.  It must be 7' tall.  Probably took a lot more than one hour.  I was more fascinated by the frames since I knew nothing about painting and was told that isn't that unusual.  About 10% of the visitors say the same thing.  In fact, an expert from Philadelphia or New York or somewhere was coming the week after we were here, just to examine the frames.  A funny side note, one of the frames was from a Ben Franklin store.  No one knows where the original one went.

This was Henri's office back in the museum.  There are other sketches and paintings from other artists in several of the rooms in the museum along with other period pieces typical of museums.

What's not typical, though, is the artwork.

I am surprised to admit the amount of time we spent here.  The curator (I wish I could remember his name) said not to worry about the time because he was in charge and we can stay as long as we wanted.  We were here for a bit under 2 hours!  You wouldn't believe what some of the paintings are worth and I'm not going to tell you here.  You have to find out for yourself when you get there.

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